April 12 – May 8, 2022
This exhibition features a diverse array of student artworks. Faculty from the Dept. of Art and Art History select noteworthy artworks created in their courses over the academic year and gather them together here in this fresh mix of ideas and forms.
Related Events:
Annual Student Art Gala
Thursday, April 14, 7 p.m.
Campus Gallery, Elaine Langone Center, Top Floor
Come join the Samek Art Museum to celebrate the Annual Student Art Exhibition. View diverse student artwork selected by Art and Art History faculty created in their courses throughout the year. This event is hosted by SMAC (Samek Museum Art Club).
Curatorial Text:
Annual Student Art Exhibition
This exhibition features a diverse array of student artworks. Faculty from the Department of Art and Art History select noteworthy artworks produced in art courses over the academic year gathered together here in this fresh mix of ideas and forms. These artworks have been created by students from a wide variety of disciplines and majors; representing the interdisciplinary and creative wellspring of the student body at Bucknell.
This exhibition is presented in collaboration between the Samek Art Museum and the Department of Art and Art History.
Installation Images: