Greetings from the newest members of the Samek staff! This week marks the beginning of our semester-long internships, in which we will be contributing our time to some pretty exciting projects going on between the Samek and Downtown Galleries. You’ll be hearing a lot from us, so get ready for an eventful semester of postings!
Coinciding with the hectic first week of classes, came the much anticipated opening of “Dusk to Dusk”. Almost as unsettling as leaving the comfort of our couches for the Bertrand Library, this spooky exhibition attracted a crowd of eager students, professors, and Lewisburg residents. Some attendees may have wandered upstairs for the free food and drinks, but were soon drawn in by the musical contributions of Paul Bothelo and the Barry Long Trio. Much like the exhibition itself, the performance brought elements of interest and uneasiness, which were seen in the faces of students entering the gallery to sounds usually reserved for horror films.
This is a chilling exhibit that unnerves its viewers. With 32 works of mainly contemporary artists, the exhibit examines the world through a dark, solemn lens, exploring the unusual. The inspiration from skeletons, ghosts and demons is clearly visible in the haunting pieces as they pierce through the air, both in form and sound. Each piece in “Dusk to Dusk” in spectacularly eerie by itself, but as a collection they induce a shudder you may not experience otherwise.
This exhibition brought us to question why we are enticed to the things that scare us. Scary movies, roller coasters, tragedies, they all have aspects which completely terrify or mortify a part of each of us, yet they are strangely attractive. If you bring something that you are afraid of into the open and fully experience it, and then you will have nothing left to fear of it. The experience will be cleansing you of your fear. This may seem out of the ordinary, but “Dusk to Dusk” provides a collection of works which will make your skin crawl, and you will leave having absolutely loved the experience.
“Dusk to Dusk” will be open through November 19 at the Samek Art Gallery, which is located on the fourth floor of the ELC. Look forward to many programming events happening in the gallery space to coincide with the Dusk to Dusk exhibit.
Katrina Hefele ’13, Samek Art Gallery Intern
Morgan Slade ’13, Samek Art Gallery Intern