Want to be part of an artwork? Send us your doodle for “do it!”

Our “doodle party” for this most recent “do it! Friday” was such a success, we want to keep the party going! In 2012, artist Uri Aran created a work that would be completed with a simple instruction for his audience: “doodle.”  We want you to help us embellish this work, and have added a few more instructions.

2. Take a picture of your doodle.

3. Share it with us on our Facebook or Twitter pages. (Tag your doodle on Facebook with the Samek Art Gallery or tweet it to us @BucknellGallery #doitdoodle)

4. We will print out your doodle and display it in our connections gallery.*

5. Come visit the Samek Art Gallery to see your doodle hanging next to the other works in our special exhibition, do it!, on view now until December 13.


Uri Aran, Doodle (2012). Interpreted by Ed and Martie Samek in the Samek Art Gallery.

* (disclaimer: doodles containing obscene images or hate speech will be flagged and not displayed)