Uncategorized TONIGHT- 6:00-8:00PM @ Milton Public Library “Pennsylvania Landscapes” opening reception
Uncategorized Saturday, April 27 from 11am-3pm: The Nation Wide Museum Mascot Project @ The Market Street Festival in Downtown Lewisburg
Uncategorized TONIGHT, April 24th: 6-7:30PM “Wallpaper #2” Sound Art Reception @ The Samek Art Gallery
Uncategorized Opening Reception for “Pennsylvania Landscapes” From the Samek Art Gallery Collection at Bucknell University
Uncategorized Tuesday, April 16: 7:30-8:30pm- Filmmaker/Artist Bill Domonkos @ The Campus Theatre, BU Film Series
Uncategorized Nationwide Museum Mascot Project @ 2013 Celebration of the Arts: Market Street Festival, Sat. April 27th